Interface RepeatOptions

Settings for repeatable jobs

interface RepeatOptions {
    count?: number;
    every?: number;
    immediately?: boolean;
    jobId?: string;
    key?: string;
    limit?: number;
    offset?: number;
    pattern?: string;
    prevMillis?: number;


  • Omit<ParserOptions, "iterator">
    • RepeatOptions


count?: number

The start value for the repeat iteration count.

every?: number

Repeat after this amount of milliseconds (pattern setting cannot be used together with this setting.)

immediately?: boolean

Repeated job should start right now ( work only with cron settings)

jobId?: string

Internal property to store de job id


key?: string

Custom repeatable key. This is the key that holds the "metadata" of a given repeatable job. This key is normally auto-generated but it is sometimes useful to specify a custom key for easier retrieval of repeatable jobs.

limit?: number

Number of times the job should repeat at max.

offset?: number

Offset in milliseconds to affect the next iteration time

pattern?: string

A repeat pattern

prevMillis?: number

Internal property to store the previous time the job was executed.

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