Interface QueueOptions

Options for the Queue class.

interface QueueOptions {
    blockingConnection?: boolean;
    connection: ConnectionOptions;
    defaultJobOptions?: DefaultJobOptions;
    prefix?: string;
    settings?: AdvancedRepeatOptions;
    skipMetasUpdate?: boolean;
    skipVersionCheck?: boolean;
    skipWaitingForReady?: boolean;
    streams?: {
        events: {
            maxLen: number;
    telemetry?: Telemetry<any>;

Hierarchy (view full)


blockingConnection?: boolean

Denotes commands should retry indefinitely.


connection: ConnectionOptions

Options for connecting to a Redis instance.

defaultJobOptions?: DefaultJobOptions
prefix?: string

Prefix for all queue keys.

Advanced options for the repeatable jobs.

skipMetasUpdate?: boolean

Skip Meta update.

If true, the queue will not update the metadata of the queue. Useful for read-only systems that do should not update the metadata.

Default Value

skipVersionCheck?: boolean

Avoid version validation to be greater or equal than v5.0.0.

Default Value

skipWaitingForReady?: boolean

Skip waiting for connection ready.

In some instances if you want the queue to fail fast if the connection is not ready you can set this to true. This could be useful for testing and when adding jobs via HTTP endpoints for example.

streams?: {
    events: {
        maxLen: number;

Options for the streams used internally in BullMQ.

Type declaration

  • events: {
        maxLen: number;

    Options for the events stream.

    • maxLen: number

      Max approximated length for streams. Default is 10 000 events.

telemetry?: Telemetry<any>

Telemetry client

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